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Streamline Your NPI Search Process With Our NPI Lookup

Are you looking for an NPI lookup tool?

If yes, then you are at the right place. is your go-to platform for accessing NPI numbers and other essential healthcare provider information. The NPI Number plays a pivotal role in making sure that there is compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). In fact, HIPAA mandates the use of NPI numbers in standard transactions, and it effectively replaces the legacy provider identifiers like UPIN (Unique Provider Identification Number) for processing medical claims. Our NPI number lookup tool is designed to streamline your search process, making it quick and efficient. Performing a provider NPI lookup is crucial for various purposes, including verifying healthcare provider credentials, processing insurance claims, and conducting research. With our user-friendly interface and extensive NPI database, finding the NPI numbers you need has never been easier.

Why Choose Us for NPI Search?

  1. Efficiency:

    Our advanced NPI Lookup algorithms ensure fast and accurate results, saving you time and effort.
  2. Comprehensive Database:

    Access a vast repository of NPI numbers and associated provider information, including specialties, such as Physician NPI Lookup, practice locations, and contact details.
  3. User-Friendly Interface:

    Our intuitive interface makes it simple to navigate through the NPI registry search process, even for first-time users looking for NPI Lookup.
  4. Reliable Information:

    Rest assured that the information provided through our NPI lookup service is up-to-date and verified from official sources.
  5. Secure:

    We prioritize data security and confidentiality, ensuring that your searches are conducted in a safe and secure environment.

How It Can Be Used

This NPI lookup allows to search any type of healthcare provider using various search criteria, such as the provider's NPI number, individual provider’s first name, last name, or organization name. Performing an NPI Lookup is a way to access this important information for healthcare management and other important purposes. You can search by the different types of criteria, including:
  1. NPI Number:

    This is the most direct way to locate a healthcare provider using their NPI Number in NPI Lookup.
  2. First & Last Name:

    If you know the name of the individual provider you're seeking, you can conduct a reverse NPI lookup and NPI Lookup for healthcare providers to find them.
  3. Entity Name:

    For organizations and medical groups, searching by name in NPI Lookup will lead you to the right providers.
Our data is updated once a month and the most recent update date is mentioned at the top. You can easily copy key identifiers like NPI, Medicare PAC ID, Medicare PAC ENRLMT ID, and practice address and mailing address. By clicking the download button, you can download the NPI data in the form of a PDF. Whether you're looking for a physician's NPI lookup, verifying a provider's credentials, or conducting research on healthcare professionals, our NPI lookup tool is your one-stop solution. Don't waste time navigating complex databases or unreliable sources for NPPES Registry Lookup. Trust this platform for all your NPI registry lookup requirements. Try it now and experience the convenience of accessing an accurate NPI finder.
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